Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Simple Living

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My favorite forum SimpleLiving is down for maintenance! I am definitely going through withdrawal!

Although I am new to this Simle Living lifestyle, I am really finding it very rewarding, both financially and mentally to start employing some of these principles. Some things I have begun:

1. Track Every Cent You Spend - this is a good one. I'm amazed at the amount of money I waste on a daily basis!

2. Buy in bulk - This really saves money on some items, like flour, sugar, salt, spices, etc.

3. Simplify your Space - I've begun decluttering my posessions, room by room. It feels good not to be surrounded by so much clutter all the time!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Adventures with Chico

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Well, I went riding again tonight. I think it went prety well. I've REALLY got to work on my position, though. My legs tend to slide too far back, and I really seem to lose my posture when I start to get tired. All in all it was a good lesson though.

I have been riding a different horse lately (Chico) and I'm just staring to get used to him. He is a much longer horse than Chime, so he tends to pull me forward a bit. He also stumbles alot, which throws off my concentration. Three-loop-serpentines and 20-metre circles went well. Cantering the left lead was good tonight too, but we're a bit weak on the right lead. We also seem to be much better at walk-canter transitions than trot-canter. But, hey, we're working on it. And I had alot of fun, so that's the main thing.

My First Blog


I've finally succumbed! I guess I'm now a Blogger.

After spending weeks researching how to Blog, reading hundreds of other blogs to get the feel of blogging, and then agonizing over what blogging "platform" to use, I finally just threw caution to the wind and dove in and started blogging at the first host I came across.

Now we'll see how this goes...